One of my favorite global analysts, Fareed Zakaria, recently interviewed a Univ. of Maryland researcher on his pioneering efforts in alternative energy for conventional vehicles. His interview is viewable here.
Oh, I forgot to mention, that fuel-producing bacterium does its thing by eating CO2. How fast can we get it on the market??!! Whether it's this or hydrogen engine commercialization or large-scale solar, shouldn't there be a government-led investment policy effort to help accelerate market formation for these promising technologies? More than just seed money for entrepreneurs. We're talking infrastructure build-out on a national scale.
Oh, I forgot to mention, that fuel-producing bacterium does its thing by eating CO2. How fast can we get it on the market??!! Whether it's this or hydrogen engine commercialization or large-scale solar, shouldn't there be a government-led investment policy effort to help accelerate market formation for these promising technologies? More than just seed money for entrepreneurs. We're talking infrastructure build-out on a national scale.